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Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year - New Energy?

The year 2014 has begun. Obvious really. But will the year 2014 bring new life to my project? Last year I spent hours, days, months, desperately trying to complete a nesting box which I installed in spring. It was a beautiful project as I was kept busy with both the power supply aspects as well as the construction aspects of the nesting box. It was my first "tailor" made wooden nesting box. I even made a video about it:

In 2013, for some reason I did not feel like posting. This year I might just indulge again if birds come to nest. But before I do that I have decided that I will build yet another nesting box. It will be a better version of the one I built in 2013. Better because, hopefully it will be easier to handle - open, close - should problems arise during the nesting season. At some point I would like to have a construction that allows quick inspection and repairs and a construction the birds are happy with. All the while having an independent power supply which does not bother the bird. So here is my current version:

Oh and btw. the images that are posted to the right are images from my bee box....yes I have bees now too!